
Pedro the Lion drop surprise new album!

Pedro the Lion drop surprise new album!
And you thought Christmas was over right? Nope! Pedro the Lion are keeping the spirit of giving alive, by dropping their sixth album Havasu as a total surprise today.

To write the sequel to Phoenix, the second in a planned series of five records chronicling his past homes, David Bazan travelled to Lake Havasu, a community of winding hillside roads most notable for its brick-for-brick rebuild of the original London Bridge. There he began collecting his early childhood experiences; his junior high campus, a magical skating rink, and other nostalgic locations that evoked feelings long suppressed.

The result is a classic sounding Pedro the Lion record that conveys these landscapes and stories best. Both light and heavy, beautiful and joyous, it’s an optimistic must-have record for all Pedro fans old and new alike.
For those seeking a bit more than the digital, the album is also available to pre-order on vinyl (shipping Feb) alongside merch. We've got it on limited UK/EU exclusive Cream with Blue/Green/Yellow splatter vinyl and Seafoam too. Don't miss out on your copy!

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